Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're baaaaaack...

No we did not win the lottery and skip town nor were we abducted by aliens...we headed to Indy to see my family and have Monkey baptized! The word road trip strikes fear in the hearts of some, but the Hubs and I are perfect road trip companions. You have to be compatible when it comes to your choice of entertainment (books on tape, comedy CD's, the license plate game), number of and severity of need for bathroom stops, and a shared point of slap happy, road trip delirium when everything becomes funny. I can honestly say that we have had some of our best conversations and created some of our best inside jokes on our trips to Indy :). Monkey did a stellar job on his first road trip to Indy, granted he was 2 months old and did what he did best...sleep and eat. A now 6 month old Monkey is a different story, and I was a little fearful at what point he would say, "Okay people, no amount of toys, distraction, or singing will deter me from from my mission of removing my heinie from this car seat!" But alas, Monkey travels like his mama...he sleeps :). He slept a record 8 hours both trips, waking for the last 2 hours of the trip. The ceremony was wonderful from what I could hear, our usually mild mannered, smiling boy was screaming almost the entire time (how dare we schedule the baptism during lunch time!). When we leaned his head over the baptismal font, I had to ask the Hubs to help hold on since Monkey was attempting to kick off my stomach and dive right in. He did show his true colors in the beginning, when the priest knelt down and said that we were here for the baptism of Monkey, he laughed :). We had a great time playing with Grandma and Grandpa and our cousin Mare-Bear, and seeing the rest of our Indy family. It is always hard to leave but it makes it easier knowing we will be back next month for Auntie Jess's graduation!

Cheesing with my grandparents

Snoozin' on the road

Remember when our folks did this when they were driving and not stopped for gas :)?

Playing with Mare-Bear

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