Since Monkey is snoozing and The Hubs is trapped on a desert island in the middle of nowhere, it's given me some time to reflect on a few things I have learned as a mom:
- No matter how many books you read, nothing prepares you for motherhood. On the flip side, nothing feels better than when you can finally decipher a hungry cry from a tired cry and what makes them happy.
- When your child has reflux, NO shirt is safe. My winner was 5 shirts in one day. I felt like a human burp cloth, he seems to aim right where the burp cloth isn't.
- Baby boogers are the stickiest, most mystifying things I have ever seen. You try to wipe it from their nose or face but all you really accomplish is moving it around (much to their disapproval) until you finally give up and give them a bath...and then you find it on their
- You think nothing is better than the day you see their first smile...until the day they smile AT you. That is worth everything (labor, c-section recovery, midnight feedings, and being a human burp cloth).
- Baby laughter is contagious.
- People tell me all the time how lucky I am to be a pediatric nurse as a first time mom. On some ways this is true, I like being able to listen to his lung sounds and know that he has a little cold rather than flipping out and thinking it's the beginnings of whooping cough. But in some ways, all you know about nursing goes out of your head when it's your own kiddo. And I have to admit that going back to work and seeing kids in less than ideal situations breaks my heart in a completely different way now.
- Sometimes you forget that you are actually a mom. When I took Monkey for his x-ray, the tech said, "Awhh, we're all done, you can pick him up Mom." I was like, "Who? Oh wait, that's me." I guess I will get used to it when someone (besides a very nice older woman) is calling me mom.
- Just when you don't think things could get any better...they do :).
Hi. My name is Michelle and I am a LOST addict. I completely understand Will's obsession and Jason loses me each week to this show too. It's my one show I do not miss and will spend hours reading messageboards to understand and have better insight for next week's show. You can catch up online if you have time to watch full-length episodes... since probably not I'll assume... there are some great recaps on as well that will help you understand some to at least have a conversation with Will.
As for the part about being a nurse, I second that everything goes out the window! Though I'm not a pediatric nurse I do work with newborns on occasion and went to nursing school. It's just so different when it's your own little one. And I also second the part about baby snot, it's the stickiest stuff known to man!
I love your "things" - so true and so insightful. But the one thought I couldn't get over (and I'm not the only one) was, "She doesn't watch 'Lost'? That's a shame..." That's how addicting it is - I can't even see the word without it taking me to THE ISLAND.
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