- The Hubs came down with a monster case of pneumonia and was hospitalized for a week. He was running temps of 104
and it took 2 days to bring them down. Our first Saturday night with a baby sitter was spent in the ICU, watching TV and sleeping in a recliner, but he was a trooper. He is finally feeling better and is back to work.
- Monkey is now waving, playing peek-a-boo, saying "Dada," is getting teeth #7 and #8, and walking all over the place with his push toy...not quite on his own yet :). We had to lower his bed after he found his way out of the crib and onto the floor. He is also a big fan of toothbrushes ad likes to take them everywhere :).
- Monkey had his first overnight trip away from home to stay with his grandparents... and putting him in the car and seeing him leave was one of the hardest things I've ever done! The rational side of
my brain knew everything was going to be fine, but that pesky emotional side just keeping butting in...
- As of October, I will be coming off of weekend option at work, which has been a very big, complex, scary decision. Working weekends has been great, giving me 5 days a week at home with Monkey, but it doesn't allow for much family time with the three of us together. Monkey was getting lots of time with me and lots of time with the Hubs, but very little time with the three of us together. So it was with a few reservations and great worry that I started looking for a daycare. Luckily, since I work 12 hour shifts, I would still be home with Monkey 4 days a week and my bosses were willing to work with me about my sche
dule and so I will be working the same three days every week. Monkey started at his daycare last week and I can honestly say I cried more than he did. He was oblivious when me and the Hubs left, but cried when he saw the other kiddos crying (one burst into tears at the site of the Hubs, the teacher reassured him it was because he missed his dad and not because the Hubs was scary looking!). There is a lot of guilt that comes along with taking Monkey to daycare but I realize he is in a great place that is very well structured and he is with kiddos his own age, which is doing a lot for him as far as socialization. Once again, if I could just get that rational part o my brain to communicate better with the emotional side :).
- Monkey's 1st birthday is coming up and to help us celebrate my parents are flying in, my in-laws, Monkey's Great Grandma, and our good friends Erin and Ben are driving in to help us celebrate this weekend!
It's good to be back, thank you for your continued support and blog patronage !